Lord, I pray you cause me to meet with great success today

And he said, O Lord, God of my master Abraham, I pray You, cause me to meet with good success today, and show kindness to my master Abraham.

Genesis 24:12 [AMP]

In Genesis 24 we read that Abraham sends his servant out to find a wife for his son Isaac from the land of his relatives. When he gets there he prays to God for success in finding the right wife for Isaac. Before he had even finished his prayer (Gen 24:15), along came Rebekah and the servants prayer was answered.

What I would like to encourage you with, is to follow the example of Abraham’s servant, and every day when you wake up, before you start your day, say this prayer.

Lord… Grant me success today in my endeavours, and give [favour / blessing] over the [establishment / person] whom I serve today… Amen!

Each day in prayer, pray for your success as well as the blessing of God over the person (or establishment) whom you may be serving on the day.

I know this prayer will encourage and be a blessing to you, and God will answer it and give you success in your daily endeavours. I encourage you to write us with your testimonies of how God changes a situation you may be facing, by applying this word daily!

By admin

I have a demonstrated history of working in the Christian broadcast media industry and provide specialized industry and strategic leadership within the founding and development teams at Ori, Ori Music Group, Dvout Music, House of Worship, and David's Harp.