
Acts 16:25-26, says, And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one’s bands were loosed.

When God moves suddenly, doors are opened and bands are loosed. God will shake things up and open doors when they need to be opened. It’s been a LONG time of contending, but suddenly and immediately, at the right time, God will move and needs will be met.

God has been speaking about acceleration to many for a while now.

This is an acceleration of destiny. Acceleration of divine order. Acceleration into the promises of God. The dam wall breaks, and where we’ve been contending for years, suddenly and immediately being catapulted into that. Many have been contending for promises of the Lord that have been spoken into lives, in some cases, many years ago.

The prophetic voices have been declaring acceleration since late 2022. And we’ve seen acceleration in wickedness in the world all around us. But, Isaiah 60:2 says, For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you. When wickedness accelerates in the earth, God’s glory accelerates on His people, to the point that not only do we see the promises of God suddenly and immediately manifesting all around us, but the glory of it is seen manifesting upon us by all who come into contact with us, and it testifies of God’s goodness, and brings Him all the Glory.

Proclaiming and speaking acceleration into destiny has felt burdensome to many, but it’s in this pressing that births the joy. And, yes, there may be more pressing, but in this pressing, I can feel the excitement, the anticipation, and the acceleration.

So I speak acceleration over you and your families. I speak acceleration of healing over all who need healing. I speak acceleration of destinies over you and your families. I declare acceleration of divine order over you and your families. I declare acceleration into the promises of God over you and your families.

And, Lord, I bless those reading this, I bless them with the strength to continue, I bless them with the endurance to see the pressing through, I bless them with the oil of joy, I bless them with the focus to finish. And that during this time of pressing, they WILL hear the Spirit and He WILL give them vision. And that during this time of pressing, I declare it will be different, they will feel the joy, the excitement, the anticipation, and the acceleration brewing beneath, as You Lord continue to walk with them as a friend.

And, where we’ve prophesied acceleration, we will now see it manifest, in Jesus’ Mighty Name, AMEN!

By admin

Stay the course, trust the process. #316 #Acceleration